BMBF: „Treffpunkt Schule – Ein Leitfaden für Eltern in mehreren Sprachen“ (DVD) – English

8. Januar 2016



This 45 minute DVD covers essential information about school in Austria for migrants in a demonstrative way. The most important questions about the school system are answered in 7 chapters: Contact with the school (school attendance, enrollment, status, school readiness) The right choice (school forms, day care) What children learn in school (equality, compulsory subjects, religion, swimming) Communication (report notebook, attendance, performance appraisal) Parents have a say (parent-teacher conference, class forum, Parents’ Association) If things don’t go well („SPF“, learning difficulties, bullying) After elementary school (education, types of school) This DVD is available in 4 languages (English, German, Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Turkish) and is aimed at parents with children in the compulsory school age and educators. A booklet in 4 languages with definitions relating to school topics from A to Z in enclosed.

(Eva Amon Köfler, Lea Rauch, Michelle Windisch)

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