KoMMM beteiligt in der Koordination von TRANSCA in Kooperation mit der Universität Wien

6. August 2018
Mit der Laufzeit von 1. September 2018 – 31. August 2020 beteiligt sich die KoMMM an dem Erasmus+ Projekt TRANSCA  (Translating Socio-Cultural Anthropology into Education) in Kooperation mit der Universität Wien.  Es handelt sich um ein strategisches Partnerschaftsprojekt, bestehend aus folgendem Konsortium: Universität Wien (Project Leader), Pädagogische Hochschule Wien, Aarhus University, University of Zadar, University of Macedonia (Thessaloniki), EASA Teaching Anthropology Network. Für die Evaluation zuständig  ist die Pädagogische Hochschule Bern.

TRANSCA – Translating Socio-Cultural Anthropology into Education konnte mit folgender Kurzbeschreibung in englischer Sprache reüssieren: „TRANSCA will enhance the quality of teacher education in European countries by developing innovative approaches to inclusive teaching. Building on existing social science research in integration, migration, and inclusion, the project addresses an urgent need to effectively integrate research-based knowledge of these issues into teacher education and to train teachers in self-reflexive methods of inquiry and participatory learning that will enhance inclusive teaching (e.g. Manual, new Modules, Whiteboard Animation, etc). TRANSCA will offer essential innovative tools for teacher education to enhance teachers‘ knowledge, their structural awareness, and self-reflection in regard to their relations and interaction with pupils (and their parents). TRANSCA will equip teachers to teach inclusively and to deal with often-contested systems of hierarchy (e.g. minorities within minorities, intercultural gender dynamics in schools, social class and structural discrimination etc.). The project will empower teachers to take a self-reflective approach, to develop new participatory methods and contents, and through these, develop new insights and practices for combating discrimination, exclusion and violence.“
Hier finden Sie noch mehr Informationen zu dem Projekt: https://transca.univie.ac.at/

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